Core Values:
Skills Development
Research and Innovation

Centre for Research in Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Centre for Research in Biological Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences CRBCPS is established in 2023. This center is governed by the Sialkot Institute of Science and Technology.

Focus areas:
The center focus areas are organic chemistry, molecular medicine, herbal medicines, pharmaceutical product development, novel drug delivery targets, pharmacology, computational medicinal chemistry, synthesis of drugs, bio-organic synthesis and natural product chemistry, pharmaceutical polymers formulations, clinical biochemistry, cellular biology, biotechnology, and analytical chemistry.

Facilities and Services:

In vivo studies
Development of various acute and chronic animal models in rats, mice, and rabbits.
Plant and animal extractions and fractionations
In-vitro studies
Biochemical analysis of various fluids
Chromatographic analysis
In-silico study
Drug designing
Chemical / polymer designing.
Development of herbarium
Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) analysis and modelling.
Development of pharmaceutical and natural formulations
Qualitative analysis of phytochemical and non-phytochemical products.
Anti-microbial studies
Chemical synthesis
Gel electrophoresis
Biomarkers identification
Microscopic and macroscopic evaluation of plants and chemicals
Animal house
Botanical garden
Analysis of clinical data
Statistical analysis of data
Drug / formulation stability studies
Drug, chemical and formulations toxicity studies

Looking for:
CRBCPS is looking for collaborations in the fields of natural products research, spectroscopy, nanotechnology, stem cell research, biomarkers identification, genomics, climate and health, structural biology, antimicrobial research, etc. For detail
+92 334 6732414